Cookies are description files that are left on your computer when you visit almost every website.
They are text files that allow you to identify specific Web services that you visit, or to provide you with customized services, or with statistical analysis obtained to make the site you visit more efficient.
Cookies do not collect any information, including your personal data stored on your computer or files. It only aims to provide a fast and safe visit experience that suits your personal needs. Cash Bank Limited uses two types of cookies on its website according to its validity period.


These are the cookies that are used during the visits of our Bank’s customers/users and deleted after the browser is closed.

The main purpose of using these Cookies is to ensure the proper and quick operation of our Bank's website during your visit.


Permanent cookies are created when you visit the website and remain until you delete or they expire. Permanent cookies are used to provide you a personalized experience that is compatible with your settings.

Cookies used by Cash Bank Limited are safe, do not harm your computer and do not contain viruses. The cookies used on the Cash Bank Limited corporate website do not contain any personal information of any user. They improve the performance of our Corporate Web site, making it easier and / or faster to use.

To change your preferences for the use of cookies, or to block or delete cookies, simply change your browser settings. However, if you prevent the use of cookies, you may not be able to receive some of the services provided by our Bank over the internet or you may not be able to see some of the pages on our websites.